Samstag, 21. Mai 2011

Is it just me?

Have you ever had the feeling that the yet unread books in your shelves are much more interesting than the ones you’re reading at the moment?

6 Kommentare:

  1. Yes! Sometimes I think they're just there to taunt me and distract from my current reading. Maybe its that the grass is greener on the other side?

  2. Thank you so much, Whitney! Feels good that I am not the only one, who's now and then distracted.. ;")

    Have a great weekend!

  3. YES! All the time and I have 3000+ staring at me!

  4. *hihi* Gosh, I KNOW! ;") Though I do not think that I have 3000+ staring at me.. - but I haven't count them for ages.. Sometimes I fear I am dead before I can read them all..

  5. Oh, yes! I've just finished wading through one which really wasn't worth my time, meantime I've got a dozen staring at me that I haven't yet started! Then again, reading bad books makes you appreciate the ones which appeal more directly to you.

  6. I feel exactly the same! Though I hope to read more good than bad books in the end.. ;")


Every comment makes me happy - because than I know there is someone out there reading this! ;")

Thank you for commenting! I am reading every comment you'll make - and when I can think of an answer I will post it. ;")