bachlorette, devoted to the two best cats she knows, addicted to films, books, heels, vintage clothing and all saucy and naughty gossip about classic Hollywood.. on her way to become a real marvellous catlady! (maybe she'll dye her hair lilac when she's 60..) / Jungesellin, die hingebungsvoll an zwei der weltbesten Katzen hängt und gradezu besessen ist von Filmen, Büchern, Schuhen, Vintage Kleidung und jedwedem noch so ungezogenem Klatsch und Tratsch aus dem guten alten Hollywood.. mit dem Ziel eine "Catlady" zu werden - und dann wird mein Haar fliederfarben sein - vielleicht. Bonbonrosa mag ich auch.. ;")
AFTER MIDNIGHT (Orig.: Nach Mitternacht, 1937) by Irmgard Keun is - again - very small: ca. 199 pages.
If you have read my Top Ten List with my Ten favourite authors(like every list of mine this one is "fluent" - always changing.. Today I was on the verge to redo my Top Ten fictional crushes list.. *sigh*) you know that I like Irmgard Keun VERY much. She is one of my really alltime favourites. Call her a steady name for my list of authors..
Some information for them of you, who may never have heard of her:
She was born in 1905 in Berlin and died in 1982 in Cologne. In the early 1930ies she became very succesful as an author of novels. She wrote in a very direct language - just the way people (esp. uneducated girls from lower middle class, who mainly were her heroines) - would talk.
Her most famous works were GILGI - ONE OF US (Gilgi - eine von uns, 1931) and THE ARTIFICIAL SILK GIRL (Das kunstseidene Mädchen, 1932). Her books were blacklisted when the Nazis came into power. She emigrated with Joseph Roth - who was her lover at that time - to the Netherlands. (Roth and she split up in 1938.) In 1940 when the Nazis invated the Netherlands, she went back to Germany. She lived with wrong papers - it helped that there were several announcements of her death. She was almost forgotten when in the late 1970ies/ early 1980ies the feminist movement rediscovered her works.
After midnight is therefor a special book because it really shows how live was in 1936:
It is about Susanne, everybody calls her Sanne, a 19 year old girl. She left her hometown and went to her aunt in Cologne. She worked in the stationary shop of her aunt and fell in love with Franz, her aunt's quiet son. Franz and Sanne wanted to establish a tobaccos shop - but the aunt pressed charges against Sanne at the Gestapo. So Sanne goes to her stepbrother Algin, who lives with his wife Liska in Frankfurt on the Main. Algin is a former successful author but now he struggles with the new government and his beliefs. Time goes on and all over sudden Franz comes to Sanne - and it seems that he is on the run...
In this novel Sanne is telling her story herself. She doesn't always understand what is happening and what the new rules really mean. Partly this novel is kind of gruesome - in the second chapter is a case of death who simply sticks in my mind - though it is no violent death.
I think I will do some more post about Irmgard Keun's books - but not immediately. ;")
This time it is about ten fictional crushes - well, it was hard to find 10 crushes so I searched really deep in my past.. ;")
Please note that these are pure "Schwärmerei" - nothing carnal in it. ;")
So here they are - in no particular order:
Dr. Seward from DRACULA (Bram Stoker)
Mr. Bingley from PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (Jane Austen)
Colonel Brandon from SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (Jane Austen)
Smike from NICHOLAS NICKLEBY (Charles Dickens) - I was about to name my cat after him - but it turned out that Lucy was a better name for her.. :")
William Dobbin from VANITY FAIR (William Makepeace Thackeray) - another nearly catname - now the cat is known as Mina.. :")hereyou can see both of them.
Jem from TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD (Harper Lee) - maybe you ought to know that I was a little girl when I first read this book.. ;")
CINDERELLA (Perrault/ Brothers Grimm etc. )
John Thornton from NORTH AND SOUTH (Elizabeth Gaskell)
Bert from MARY POPPINS (P.L. Travers)
PETER PAN (J.M. Barrie)
And: yes, I have a heart for minor characters. ;")
How about you??
P.S. Here's the one I've forfotten, but who REALLY belongs to this list: SHERLOCK HOLMES!!! (shame on me for forgetting him!)
Bev from MY READER'S BLOCKhas tagged me - and for this being a social network and I am a good sport [;")] - I'll go and follow the rules, which are:
Accept the tag and link to the tagger at the beginning of your post.
Answer the questions honestly in your post by listing four things.
Pass on the love by picking four other people to tag and listing them at the bottom of your post. Notify them that you tagged them.
- If you start to ask yourself if I ever will do a more literature-focused entry ever again: yes, I will!! err.. I am at least verysure of that.. ;") - And now: come on and know me better!
Four things I allways wanted to do (but haven't yet):
Visiting London (last year I had even bought the air tickets but thenmy little ladies- then 12 weeks old - came into my live.. so my friend went with another one and I stayed at home.. - and I had the time of my life! I am still having the time of my life with them.)
Visiting New York
Reading every book by Jane Austen/Elizabeth Edmondson/Sarah Waters/Irmgard Keun...
I never did (or will) kill a butterfly.
Four things I enjoy very much in the moment:
caressing my cats
drinking coffee
reading a book that pleases me - did you notice? I didn't say a "good" book.. ;")
That is (again) quite hard to say - I've got to confess that I can't exclude that I'll read one or two of these books sometime in future but right now I will not read them and have no intention to.
In no particular order my top ten are there is:
Michel Houellebecq: Les Particules élémentaires ( Engl. title : Atomised)
Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code
Brett Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Stephenie Meyer's The Twilight series [Sorry, but no, thanks. Again: sorry, folks! - or: girls?? ;"p]
Natascha Kampusch: 3096 Tage (=3,096 Days) [too tough for me.]
Stephen King: It [Yuck! clowns..]
Allan and Barbara Pease: Why Men don't Listen and Women can't read Maps [btw. my sister and I can read maps -and my brother is a good listener - thank you very much, sexists.]
Günter Grass: Im Krebsgang (Engl. title: Crabwalk) [- no NO-list without him.. I positively won't read any book by him soon. I hated The Tin Drum! - quite sexist, too.]
Jodi Picoult: My sister's keeper [err.. no.]
Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf (Engl.: My struggle) [- Do have I to explain that? Though I admit that it would interest me - but that would be a post of its own: why I am interested in it while at the same time it would disgust me..]
THE MOONFLOWER VINE by Jetta Carleton (1962) is a rereleased best-seller.
The story beginns in the 1950ies in rural Missouri when Leonie, Mary Jo and Jessica are again spending the summer at the farm of their parents. It devolps to a retrospect from different views of the parent's youth to the adolescence of the girls in the 1930ies.
A delightfully easeful book with a plot that drags unagitated - I really enjoyed that! Just a relaxed reading - maybe you have to work a bit in the beginning till you finaly can relax - but that will happen really fast.
My grandmother and my grandaunt (and me) loved that book. My mother was bored to death. You may decide for yourself - but do I have to mention that? ;")
THE MOONFLOWER VINE was a bestseller in Germany in 1964 (No.1 actually!) - then it was named WENN DIE MONDWINDEN BLÜHEN. The German rerelease is called WENN DIE MONDBLUMEN BLÜHEN - both means "When the moonflowers bloom" ("Mondwinden" is the biological correct translation of moonflowers "Mondblumen" is the verbatim correct version.)
If you read this book in the bath tub (guess who did that..) you may risk that your feet start to shrivel. No, I WON'T post photographic proof. You just have to believe me. :")
Drinks anyone?
Drink something really mild and unperilous like lemonade. I don't know about you, but when I was child mineral water with fruit sirup was heaven for us (when we had ice cubes too it was really glamourous) and this book made me feel nostalgic so my perfect drink for this reading is squeaking gaudy and sickly sweet.
When I was a child Tammy was broadcasted in TV again. The German title of the series was "Tammy - Das Mädchen vom Hausboot" (= the girl of the houseboat). I loved that song - and I do love it today. Then I was determinend to live on a houseboat like Tammy did. I was totally in love with that girl. Even her name was the prettiest I ever heard.. And in november the TV series will be released as a DVD box in Germany!!! *yay* Gee - do I hope it is as lovely as I have it in my memory.. ;")
Bev (if I am right she is my one and only follower so far) awarded this blog with the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD! I mean: All over sudden this blog received an award. That's stunning. It is the first award I've ever received in blogzone. Now I feel pretty important. :")
And here it is:
Cute, isn't it?
With this award came some rules:
1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog along with the name of the person who awarded it along with a link to their blog.
2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers that you have recently discovered.
3. Contact those bloggers and let them know they've been chosen.
So, now I have to name 15 blogs I like and I want to get an award.. That's very difficult, because the blogs have to be "recently discovered" - I think I'll start with this blogs - and maybe add some more later - btw they are in NO particular order:
A narrow little thriller: MISCHIEF (1950) by Charlotte Armstrong.
In a nutshell:
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are invited to an important dinner and leave their 9-year old daughter Bunny in their hotelroom. With Bunny stays babysitter Nell, whose uncle Eddie - the lift operator - arranged this job for her.
At the same time Jed - a young man, who resides in the same hotel - has a brawl with his girlfriend Lyn and after their seperation he spots Nell in the hotelroom vis-à-vis and looks forward to have a chance to reduce his anger in a more cushy way. He grabs a bottle of ryeand the evening could become really nice - if Nell wasn't mentally disordered and dangerous..
Really exciting - and a quick read - no wonder: ca. 200 pages aren't that much. Charlotte Armstrong foreshadows before she starts describing what really happens - so that an enormous suspense can be established - or not, that depends on your own sensation.. ;")
Celebration!: Whiskey (Rye) or Cola. A little candy and you are in game..
For non-readers: 1951 the book was adapted to the screen with my heroine Marilyn Monroe - guess what made me read this book.. The movie was named DON'T BOTHER TO KNOCK - the minor characters were melted down and Nells backround story was changed a bit - but the story is still thrilling. And: Yes, Marilyn Monroe was able to be mean. :") You can read my film review here.
Schmooze: The German title of the book is SCHLAFE MEIN KINDCHEN (lit.= "Sleep my little child")
I do most of my reading in my mother tongue (which is German..) - if not so I will mention that in the review. So if there are some meanderings in your "reading sensation" it might be based on the translation.
I'll post some reviews about books that became movies.. and I will link them to my film blog.. and other books I like. In a not representative German view.. and my very own tattered English ;")
So be ready to explore some exotic German books and really old stuff - and whatever else may grab my attention..
On the nightstand
Austen, Jane: Emma
Morgenstern, Erin: The Night Circus
The Collector
82 / 351 pages. 23% done!
Some challenges in 2011
The Brontë Sisters Reading Challenge 2011
My First Award
given by Bev Hankins (10-10-07) THANK YOU!!! (to visit Bev's blog please klick on the icon.)